🪙Staked Games

Staked games, enable players to deposit their tokens in a public pool smart contract and the winner/s are rewarded with the deposited tokens. The reward is solely based on kill count. Staked games will be launched in V1 release and only token holders will be able to play. There's no preset limit on number of games that can simultaneously run but it will depend on server bandwidth.

In a particular game the stake amount of every player will be same. Game host can set staking amount required to join a game. Players can set their preferred stake amount and they will be matched to games based on this preference.

The reward calculation is as follows

Number of players in the end of game (N) ,

Individual Stake Amount (IS)

Total Staked (TS) = N * IS

Ads Revenue Share (AS) = (Total Ad Revenue / N) * (Joining Time - Game Over Time)/Total Game Time

Prize Pool (PP) = TS - (3 * IS) - (0.8 * IS * (N - 3))

1st prize = IS + (PP * 0.5) + AS

2nd prize = IS + (PP * 0.3) + AS

3rd prize = IS + (PP * 0.2) + AS

Every remaining players get

0.8 * IS + AS

If number of players = 3, (i.e N=3),

1st prize = IS * 1.1 + AS

2nd prize = IS + AS (player retains original stake amount).

3rd player gets IS * 0.9 + AS

If number of players = 2, (i.e N=3),

1st prize = IS * 1.1 + AS

2nd player gets IS * 0.9 + AS

*Taxes are deducted only from winner's prize.

Staked games act as a betting game but players bet on their playing skills instead of relying on luck. Staking tokens also helps platform to prevent bots, hackers and mods by liquidating their stake to other truthful players.

Last updated